Care for the Caretaker

All of my offerings are from a place of integrity.

I do not offer services that I have not first hand experienced and or benefited from, and this one is no different.

I dedicated 2022 as my “year of rest” and “care for the caretaker” to tend to my needs as a woman, mother, and wife. I make a point to rest on my moon and allow myself the time and space to be very aware of my feelings, and what is coming up for me.

I started to track that on the days that I took more intentional care of myself the more genuine joy I had when I was tending to my children.
What started off as an herbal bath here and there led to more consistent yoni steams, moxa sessions, enjoying a lunch out by myself, and more frequent bodywork.

I realized that oils and herbs I had bought in the past and used so sparingly (you know, only for “special occasions") were now needing to be reordered, and I got excited! I looked forward to it because I knew how incredible it felt to nurture myself in these ways and have made it a priority.

It’s now a non-negotiable for me.

Self-Care can look different for everyone, and if these offerings below interest you, I would be honored to facilitate your cup being refilled.
If none of these give you warm fuzzy feelings, then I hope that this at the very least encouraged you to find ways that nourish you!

Just because you carry it well doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy

If you’re the primary parent, a boss babe, or someone who finds that you tend to others around you, chances are you are in need of rest and care.

These offerings have one huge thing in common; heat and warmth. These offerings have been curated specifically so you feel like you’ve just received the most over-due warm hug and you feel rejuvenated from the inside out!


  • Castor Oil Pack: Castor oil is potent, anti-inflammatory, deeply penetrating, and breaks up scar tissue and adhesions. It activates the lymphatic system increasing the number of T-cells lymphocytes in the body, thus producing more antibodies for killing viruses, fungi, and bacteria. This service includes organic castor oil and organic cloth, set up/clean up, hot water bottle, etc.

  • Moxibustion: Moxa is a Japanese term meaning "burning herb". In this case, mugwort is used to bring circulation and heat back to the womb space. This service includes all necessary items, and facilitation during your 45 min. session.

  • Yoni Steaming: It's like a sitz bath, only BETTER! This cross-cultural ancient practice has been used to bring the uterus back to its pre-pregnancy stage quicker while drawing out stagnation and bringing heat into your womb space. This service includes all items necessary, including an organic herbal blend. These are great for immediately postpartum and have incredible benefits when used on a regular basis for overall uterine health.

  • Closing of the Bones Ceremony: This cross-cultural practice is a beautiful way to close not only your bones, but also the chapter of your pregnancy, birth, and 4th Trimester. It can be done at any point after birth (even if your baby is 20 years old!) It is an intimate ceremony of witnessing your passage and expressing deep gratitude to your body for all it has done. This ceremony includes but is not limited to; rebozo wrapping, foot bath/massage, guided deep relaxation, hot tea or cacao elixir, and integration practice after. This session is typically two hours in length.