To my husband, and father of our children, Zach

I am unable to express how much I appreciate you. You heard me. You heard my heart, my concerns, my fears, my needs. You rose to the occasion. You have far exceeded my expectations of how supportive you have been during this pregnancy, birth, and 4th trimester. 

You have been everything I’ve needed and more. Constantly keeping me fed and hydrated, waking for every feeding from spoon-feeding, to syringe, to bottle and encouraging me when I get disappointed that Atlas and my breastfeeding relationship is what it is at this point. Diaper changes, playing with and keeping up with Evie so she knows she is loved just as much as ever, running errands and still somehow keeping everything together.

During a huge transition time right before Atlas’ birth and a lot of unknowns concerning work you still chose our family. You put our family’s true needs first. We need you. You are someone that can not be replaced. You my love, are the father that I knew you could be. An extraordinary example for Evie to look for in a husband, and for Atlas to aspire to be for his wife. 

Thank you for being mine. Thank you for being my rock and loving me during such a transitional time. Thank you for telling  me I’m beautiful when I’m still soft from pregnancy and sweaty with breastmilk stains, and my hair up in a 2 week old bun. Thank you for being by my side for all of this. I love that I am doing this with you.  


What’s in a Name: Evangeline Cherie


Healing in Preparation for Birth: Pt. 2